Thursday, December 29, 2011

2012 Bible Reading Plan

In just a few days, I will have completed my first yearly Bible reading plan. I have read through the Old Testament once and the New Testament twice. This is an endeavor I have attempted many times in the past, but this year I was successful for several reasons, including:

  • Our church undertook to read through the Bible together as a Body using the same plan.
  • Therefore, many of my friends were reading through the plan, which gave us common ground for spiritual discussion and encouragement.
  • At the beginning of the year, I prayed to God for grace to complete the reading. I didn't want to fail again, and I knew I could only do it if He enabled me to.
  • As a teacher, I know that it is my responsibility to always be reading through the Bible using a plan. For the rest of my life, by the grace of God, I intend to read through the Bible at least once every year.

So, what have I learned through this process?

  • God's Providence has never ceased to amaze and encourage me. More often than I can count, my reading for the day lined up with my Tabletalk devotional or my Sunday school preparation or some teaching I was being exposed to online or via audio. This is miraculous!
  • The more I read the Bible, the more I want to read the Bible. I usually begin the day with my reading, but I often now read before bedtime as well—usually an Epistle or the Psalms and Proverb for the day.
  • I have seen how the Holy Spirit works through the application of the Word. In some inexplicable existential way, I have seen Him change me in a way He never has before simply through reading the Bible every day.
  • My desire for the things of God and to grow in my knowledge of Him has increased. Other things matter less and less to me.
  • I now turn to the Word for comfort in times of distress rather than pursuing temporary distractions that do not satisfy. God has been faithful in this and has never failed to speak to me or to meet my needs in Him.

I don't want to mislead anyone who may be reading this into thinking I have "arrived" spiritually simply by reading my Bible every day for a year. Indeed, I have not! I am extremely weak and needy still, and my sin is ever before me. However, I have been greatly encouraged by how God has been working in my life this year, and I am convinced more than ever that God's Word is sufficient for my every need. The struggle is in applying and appropriating this truth. The spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak!

In light of these revelations, for several months now I have been contemplating which Bible reading plan to use for 2012. This post was very helpful to me, and I strongly recommend it, along with the articles linked within the post. I kept going back and forth between Professor Grant Horner's plan and the M'Cheyne plan. Finally, this morning, after reading this post by John Piper, which I took to be confirmation from God ;), I decided to go with the M'Cheyne plan. Several reasons for this...

  • I'm still not sure reading ten chapters a day as required by the Horner plan is realistic at this stage in my life. Four chapters a day is what I have been doing this year, so I know it is doable.
  • I prefer the idea of reading in four different sections a day rather than ten.
  • I want to encourage the class to read along with me, and the only way to do this is through a daily reading plan. Everyone would end up in different places using the Horner plan, which would defeat the purpose of our reading along together.
  • I want to use the supplementary devotional by D.A. Carson that uses the M'Cheyne plan. For the Love of God is available free online, or you can purchase it through in several different formats. I plan to buy it for Kindle. Carson's devotional is Christ-focused and substantive and will greatly enhance your understanding of Scripture.

I hope you will plan to join me in committing to this Bible reading plan for 2012. Please let me know either via comment or email, so we can encourage one another! You can access a PDF file of the M'Cheyne plan here.

May you grow in the grace and the knowledge of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ in 2012!


  1. This sounds wonderful Katy. I enjoyed reading your reflections and look forward to reading through the Bible with my sisters in Christ. Thank you for your thoughtful research into a good plan as well as for all you do to stay prepared for Sunday School. With a thankful heart, Sarah

  2. Thank you Katy. I have simply started Divine Mentor reading plan over again but will take alook at this. I have done something similar in the past but this is much more thorough. Thank you for all your research and sharing your heart. I have been so encouraged to be with you in S.S.Since I am not on the computer everyday I need to figure out how to print this plan so I can keep it in my Bible.


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