Friday, January 21, 2011

Divine Development & Journaling

We have undertaken a program at our church called "Divine Development." It is inspired by the book, Divine Mentor, by Wayne Cordeiro. We are reading through the Bible this year and journaling how God is speaking to our hearts. For the next six weeks, we will meet in small groups to inspire encourage one another. My group met for the first time on Wednesday evening to get to know one another and to talk a little bit about our reading and journaling thus far. Several of the women expressed that they were not in the habit of devotional reading and journaling, and that it was proving somewhat challenging for them. I encouraged them to keep at it and not to give up. Like most things, improvement comes with practice.

I thought it may be helpful to share my journal entry from yesterday to demonstrate how simple yet effective this process can be.

Reading: Genesis 49-50, Psalm 8, and Luke 20

Beware of the scribes, who like to walk around in long robes, and love greetings in the marketplace and the best seats in the synagogues and the places of honor at feasts, who devour widows' houses and for a pretense make long prayers. They will receive the greater condemnation. —Luke 20:46-47

These people (the scribes) are primarily concerned with their status and what others think of them. Their personal fulfillment comes from their authority and position in society. They are not concerned about others, only about advancing their own interests and impressing others.

While I am not concerned with status or impressing others, I do like to be appreciated, and I want others to think well of me. However, this must not be my motivation for doing what I do. I must be motivated by obedience and a desire to please God. I should not think of myself or my own personal interests at all.

Father, enable my focus and motivation be on obeying, pleasing, and glorifying you alone. I pray that my needs and fulfillment will be met only in You.

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